Benefits of using :
Increasing hive health
Increasing the spawning rate of the queen bee
Supplier of the protein needed by the hive
Supplier of B vitamins
Increasing infant upbringing
Evolution of mammary glands
Increasing egg fertility
Improving immune system function
Supplier of essential minerals to the hive
Increasing hive honey production
Amount and method of consumption:
Consumption method as a pollen substitute, first dissolve 15 grams of Proudy 400 in 100 cc of cold boiled water and then mix it with 3.2 kg of powder sugar and 600 g of honey, knead the dough well and then Use the dough for each hive in the amount of 100 to 150 grams. (Consumption period is 10 days and one day in between)
First, dissolve 10 grams of Prody 400 per liter of syrup and then sprinkle on the frames (10 ml for each frame)
Storage conditions:
Store in a dry place (between 5-28°C) in original container. Keep out of direct sun light. Do not freeze ez ez
24 Months after product
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